“Laauli should stick to farming and fishing and leave foreign affairs matters to Fiame”.

That’s the sharp end of the stick wielded by the former Samoa Prime Minister and leader of the opposition Human Rights Protection Party, Tuilaepa Sailele Malielegaoi, in reaction to the Samoa Observer report of a critical interview with Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries, Laauli Leuatea Schmidt on a UN report on legalizing abortion.

“Samoa is a long time member of the United Nations Organization and we have a good record in the area of human rights,” said Tuilaepa.

He said Samoa has ratified many UN human rights resolutions but past governments have not always agreed on some issues.

“There are issues, especially on matters that go against our Christian values, that we always stand up against and most members of the UN accept the varying religious and cultural beliefs,”.

He reaffirmed that HRPP will not legalize abortion and same sex marriage.

Tuilaepa said the personal attack against the UN resident representative Simona Marinescu is uncalled for and shortsighted.

“La’auli owes Ms Marinescu an apology,” he said

“He criticises her for no apparent reason except his false and unfounded belief that she was behind the push for an additional seat for women in Parliament,” said Tuilaepa.

Tuilaepa said the Human Rights Protection Party initiated the law to ensure women are equally represented in Parliament and La’auli does Ms Marinescu a disservice accusing her of siding with the HRPP.

He added that La’auli has a short memory with regard support by Ms Marinescu for HRPP.

“He seems to have forgotten her support for Fiame to be the country’s first female Prime Minister,” he said.

“She also supported the view of the Electoral Commissoner which was found to be legal by the Court”.

Tuilaepa said she did that because of the UN stance on gender equality which was also why she supported the March for Women.

Tuilaepa added this high minded attitude by Laauli against our development partners will undo the many good deeds nurtured over many years.

“FAST need to keep Laauli on a tight leash or he will stunt the growth of everything he comes in contact with”.


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Breaking: Police seize over 1000 plants in drug raid at Samalae’ulu, Savaii.