St Mary’s Primary Graduating Class during an end of year mass at Mulivai Cathedral.

Photo: Eyespy Radio / Anetone Sagaga

A total of 85 students from the St Marys Primary School Year 8
graduating class of 2022 will graduate on Wednesday this week.

St Mary's Primary School in Savalalo has concluded yet another
academic year by conducting an end of year mass at the Mulivai Cathedral on
Tuesday this week. More than 80 students of the graduating class

Families , friends and loved ones were seen at the Mulivai Cathedral in the
early hours of the morning to witness a farewell mass. The service was
a dedication to the graduating class of Yr 8 students who are
preparing to elevate into College level after completing a challenging
8 year journey in Primary school level.

The Principal of St Marys Primary , Mrs Iveta Vui Vaifale stated in an
interview with EyeSpy Radio that the celebratory ceremony is held
every year before the girls enter into another phase of academic
achievements. She added that the vitality of this service is to
deliver blessings amongst the students, especially the graduating
class of Yr 8.

"We come to bless the journeys of these young ladies by conducting
this mass and we are forever grateful for the Lord's guidance upon
their life during their time with us here at St Mary's Primary" says
Iveta Vui Vaifale

She further added that the journey of these young ladies wasn't an
easy one as they had to undergo a lot of pressure and hard work into
achieving their academic goal.

"Some students had to change Primaries because it was convenient for
their parents to travel and drop them off and pick them up. "she

One of the challenges the school when through was during the
height of the pandemic COVID 19. This caused the number of students to
drop and has left them with a total of 789 students for this academic
year compared to last year where more than a thousand students
attended the primary school.

Mrs Iveta Vui Vaifale also stated that the prizegiving and official
graduation will be held tomorrow at their school hall in Savalalo ,
where students will be awarded and called upon to receive their
academic certificates.


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