Photo: SVSG

Two children at the ages of 1 and 5 were left all alone by their parents on Christmas  Eve night. The Samoa Victim Support Group received a call around 11pm reporting the shocking situation that a
concerned landlord came across that night.

According to a post that was uploaded onto the facebook page of the Samoa Victim Support Group (S.V.S.G)  it visualised two small children running around in a shack apartment without the presence of guardians at site.

The Samoa Police Services visited the family's home and confirmed that parents were indeed absent and that the children were left all alone. The post stated that the young children were then taken to the Police Station that very night to await their parents to pick them up.

Phone calls made by this Radio Station were answered by the S.V.S.G regarding the location on this matter. But due to the procedures the Association is built upon it cannot release the location of people who have been contacted via the helpline , this is due to the protection of the children and the village's name.

Photo: SVSG

According to their post the parents left for work and without informing anyone that the children were home unassisted. The Samoa Victim  Support Group has acknowledged the Good Samaritan who
(Landlord) visited this home and decided to report on the urgent matter.

Messages of comfort and anger flooded Social Media opposing the decision made by the "reckless" parents of the children. One user stated that it could've been worse, "What if the house were caught on
fire " stated one concern online.

The Samoa Victim Support Group has urged the public to stay alert during these festive season and that their helpline is always open to the public for any concerning scenarios this time of the year.


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