Seuseu Dr Joseph Tauati, CEO of Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries (Photo: CISRO)
In recent discussions between the American Samoa Department of Agriculture and Samoa's Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries (MAF), certain claims have been raised, prompting a need for clarity and transparency. Samoa aims to address these claims promptly and openly, emphasizing its commitment to constructive dialogue and collaboration.
During the Atoa o Samoa discussions, representatives from both Samoa and American Samoa engaged in productive conversations aimed at enhancing collaboration, particularly in the realm of food security. In response to immediate needs, Samoa has taken proactive measures. This includes providing 600 giant clams along with relevant training to support food security initiatives. Additionally, Samoa has offered tilapia to be supplied to American Samoa upon readiness.
Furthermore, Samoa has extended support to bolster animal production in American Samoa by offering 5 cattle and 5 sheep, currently being nurtured at the Vaea compound for collection by the American Samoa Department of Agriculture.
Regarding the animal farm at Togitogiga operated by MAF, Samoa clarifies that no formal agreements, including any lease arrangements, have been made with American Samoa.
Looking ahead, MAF is committed to advancing the genetics of Samoa's cattle industry. Plans include importing bull semen for artificial insemination and discussions with the cattle industry in Australia for importing young cattle to enhance breeding stock. American Samoa is invited to participate in these discussions and explore joint cattle imports via sea transport.
Samoa expresses sincere gratitude to the American Samoa Department of Marine and Wildlife Resources and the American Samoa Department of Agriculture for their close collaboration, instrumental in driving sustainable agriculture and fisheries development in the region.
In conclusion, Samoa appreciates the support of all involved parties in advancing agriculture and fisheries. Any further inquiries or need for clarification are welcomed, encouraging continued open communication and collaboration.