Cruise Ship Visit An Economy Booster

Mr. Freddy Mamoe who was selling tapa cloths, t-shirts, and lavalavas at the Matautu Harbor.

Photo: Eyespy Radio / Anetone Sagaga

The Matautu Harbor in Apia was bustling with activity as the second cruise ship to visit Samoa this month arrived and docked on Thursday morning.

The arrival of the cruise liner has brought hope to local small businesses and entrepreneurs who are trying to make a living off selling their products and handicrafts to the visiting tourists.

One such entrepreneur is 50-year-old Mr. Freddy Mamoe who was selling tapa cloths, t-shirts, and lavalavas at the Matautu Harbor.

He stated in an interview with Eyespy Radio that since the government reopened Samoa's borders last August and allowed tourists to visit our small island nation again, business has been been doing well as it was before Covid-19 affected the world back in 2019.

"I am very happy and thankful that we are seeing overseas visitors once again,"

Tourist having a stroll around vendors tents on the Apia wharf.

Photo: Eyespy Radio / Anetone Sagaga

"Most of the products I am selling here today were created and made back in 2019 and were supposed to be sold that year. However, I was not able to because of the pandemic. So all of these items were stored away until today," stated an elated Mr. Mamoe.

Another entrepreneur, 25-year-old taxi owner Mr. Lale Evalu from Leone also stated that he has been doing well lately due to tourists being allowed to visit Samoa again.

"The arrival of the cruise liner today presents an opportunity for us working in the transportation industry to earn and support our families,"

"I believe that we are slowly but surely getting back to how things were pre-Covid, and that hard times are almost behind us," he said.

Zuiderdam is the second cruise ship to arrive after the Westdam cruise liner which left last Tuesday.


Chan Mow Company Donates to S.V.S.G
