SSAB celebrates the 13th anniversary of its founding.

God’s favour has been the pinnacle of SSAB’s success and the CEO of SSAB immediately glorified God for his continued favour and protection over the company the past thirteen (13) years.

CEO Tofilau believes that all her blessings are from God so she built a special prayer room in SSAB to honour and worship God. CEO Tofilau also believes that having the prayer room will also give her staff the opportunity to praise God and stay connected to him while at work.

SSAB is the first company in the country to have a prayer room and it’s located at the top floor of its three-storey building in Togafu’afu’a.

“I am thankful to God for his favour and his many blessings over SSAB all these years. I say it’s all God’s doing which enabled SSAB to reach its 13 th Birthday today” says Tofilau Fiti Leung Wai.

The Management and Staff of SSAB APIA SAMOA gathered at the Megastore an hour before the store opens to give praises to God for blessing SSAB with thirteen years and to blow out the candles to commence SSAB’s 13 th Birthday celebration and the launch of its “Feel the Love at SSAB this Christmas promotion 2021”.

According to CEO Tofilau, SSAB started off in 2008 with only four (4) employees including herself and thirteen (13) years later the company now employs more than a hundred eighty (180) employees.

SSAB has four (4) stores in Apia, two (2) in Savai’i and one (1) store in Auckland, New Zealand. A total of seven (7) branches.

Staying positive and having a positive mind-set is one of the values that CEO Tofilau teaches and emphasizes at SSAB every day and she believes that this value has contributed to the success of SSAB today.

“It starts from the mind, when you get ready for work every day you need to think positive in order for you to achieve positive results by the end of the day.

I always tell my staff to think positive and stay positive at work also when they’re with their families. ” says CEO Tofilau.

The gravity of the company’s drive to promoting positive vibes is evident in its policy relating to negative postings on social media and the policy reads “Any employee of SSAB proven posting negative comment/status on Facebook will be suspended and will be awarded a black star”.

 CEO Tofilau initiated the Positive Day which is now commemorated on the 7 th day of every month to stand up against negativity and failure-mind sets.

Every SSAB employee wears red on the Positive Day and CEO Tofilau picked the red colour to promote positive-vibes because it’s vibrant and can speak about SSAB’s drive on the significance of having a positive mind-set and positive attitude.

When covid hit and became the scare to the international and local business community, CEO Tofilau continued to ask God for his favour and protection over SSAB and He has not failed to open up more opportunities for the company.

In the midst of the pandemic and by God’s grace, SSAB expanded its product-lines to five new sections from opportunities identified by CEO Tofilau such as the embroidery section, the bag section, custom-sewn bags and customized bottles, screen printing and the seamstress section.

Apart from CEO Tofilau’s steadfast faith in God she had to retain a positive mind-set and positive attitude by treating every single working-day normally as if there was no covid.

CEO Tofilau believes that we attract what we fear and she will never allow this thinking to enter SSAB’s doors.

“Negative thinking and fear of what covid might bring will disallow all of us from achieving what God has already planned for us Negativity doesn’t have a place at SSAB because it doesn’t exist at SSAB” says CEO Tofilau.

SSAB is known for its charitable work throughout the year as well as its dedication to our people through its work for our community.

It was just last week that SSAB and the British High Commission opened the God is Light Library for the inmates at the Tanumalala Prisons where the company spent close to fifteen thousand tala (15,000) in total for the supply of some furniture, air con units, computer, reading books and educational resources.

“God is Light Library is an idea I wanted to revive when the Tanumalala Prison got relocated to where it is now two years ago.

My heart is for promoting literacy and education because I love reading and I believe in the power of having good reading skills and writing skills.

This facility will definitely help with the inmate’s rehabilitation programs while in prison” says CEO Tofilau.

I wish to acknowledge the support from the Honourable Faualo Lefau Harry Schuster, Minister of Police and Prisons. The Acting Commissioner of the Ministry of Police and Prisons Leiataua Samuelu Afamasaga, Acting Deputy Commissioner, Motunu’u Teofilo Mikaele and Kristle Leavai. Thank you for working closely with SSAB and British High Commission on the set up and opening of the God is Light Library.

 During the Pinktober campaign, SSAB and SIFA raised thirty four thousand tala (34,000) for the Samoa Cancer Society and was well-received by the Board and CEO of SCS.

“On behalf of Samoa Cancer Society and our board, we would like to convey our sincerest appreciation to Tuifa’asisina Sieni Voorwinden, CEO of SIFA and Tofilau Fiti Leung Wai, CEO of SSAB for their unwavering support and all their efforts in funding the first ever Mother, Daughter, Sister Pinktober Fundraiser” says the President of Samoa Cancer Society, Lauaki Jason Annandale.

CEO Tofilau didn’t forget to acknowledge everyone that helped and supported SSAB since its inception.

She firstly praised and thanked God for his Favour and Protection upon SSAB all these years.

She acknowledged the strong support from her husband Tuatagaloa Aumua Ming Leung Wai and her four sons. CEO Tofilau also thanked her mother who is her number one prayer-warrior Nino Stanley-Vito as well as Aumua’s parents Baba Segi Pi Leung Wai and Kuini Leung Wai for their prayers and support.

I also want to thank my

1) DCEO Va’asiliega Gaseimaninoa Pelenato, Pelemato and their family,

2) ACEO Fuimaono Fritz Vito, Faletua Tualasea Serah and our SSAB Savaii store staff and all

their families,

3) ACEO Nancy Vito-Alefosio, Maiava Paul and their family

4) ACEO Manu Ken Saifoloi, Vanessa Stanley and their family,

5) Management and their families;

6) SSAB Family; my hard working Staff and their families; and my

7) CEO Champion Team 

I also want to thank my beautiful cousin Melissa Stanley Van Horn (Managing Director of SSAB Sei Oriana), Walter Van Horn and Li’a for looking after our store in New Zealand especially at these unprecedented times.

I wish to acknowledge the undying support from my beautiful and amazing niece Maiava Jody Faalenuu Meleisea (Managing Director of GIAS) and her husband Fata Sam Meleisea (Tualauta Rep in American Samoa’s House of Representatives), Lise Eves (Assistant Manager GIAs), Athena Meleisea (beautiful niece) and her beautiful Grandmother, my sister Fuimaono Ata Toleafoa and her husband Toleafoa Kuka. Thank you GIAs Team in Pago for always looking out for me and SSAB.

I am grateful to my gorgeous sister Tofilau Jenny, her husband Lilomaiava Pupi and the amazing team at Mercy Shop for all the support the past years, my beautiful sister Lofi Leung Wai and the great team at Loralei Gift Shop as well as Ellie Moananu and the hardworking team at Connexions. My heart is full and I thank you sincerely for your support. 

I wish to also acknowledge our Sleepwell family; Ainuu Sala George Lutu (Director); Seiuli David Hurrell (Director), my cousin Funafuti Victoria Faamoana (General Manager), Penelope Tupuola (Deputy GM); our Managers Christy Falemai, Maiava Paul and Hileina and Sleepwell Staff.

Thank you for your hard work in making quality beds, lounge suites and furniture for our country. 

I also wish to acknowledge our Go Advertising Company; Daisy Inia (GM), Ben Inia (Manager Graphics), Trish Hunkin and our Go Ad Team.

Thank you for keeping the faith and working hard to grow Go Advertising. I want to take this time also to thank all our Hotel partners and Hair & Beauty-Care Studio partners for always supporting SSAB’s promotions throughout the year especially our Christmas promotion and our Birthday.

To all the supporters and loyal customers of SSAB, thank you so much for your support and patronage the past thirteen (13) years. We pray for the Lord’s blessings upon you all.


Speaker of the house may delay swearing in two female MPs.
