eyes on the street - public opinion

Photo: Parliament Of Samoa


Telesia Siliato

Age 27

"I am very surprised with the decision done for these two Members of Parliament. They should re-consider as they are the voice of their constituencies and they were voted by their districts. They are there to carry out the demands of their people. We have already faced many problems in the past and it's time to move on".

Matalena Asiata.

Age 35

"As far as I know , I would also like to share my thoughts about this. Because this is absolutely new and a part of history. the punishment that was given to these MPs (Member of Parliament) is too much , its torture. No matter how one member disagrees with one another , we still need to come together as one and be in harmon".

Fouina Fouina

Age 48

"It's such a burden to carry on with this type of decision and results. The 3 months that they had to endure when they were banned from attending Parliament , in my opinion, should be enough. The two years penalty was just ridiculous and will add more drama to our nation".

Joe Mataumu

Age 46

"The punishment that was given to these Parliament members is something you give to someone who has committed a murder crime or something. Too severe in my opinion and a bit over-reacting. Not sure if they would apply the same punishments towards the other party members if it were them. What's the point of them attending on Tuesday sitting this week ? Its important to forgive and forget all this and that. Only God can judge us."

Fata Levave Leasuasu

Age 54

"The decision that was made is so unfair. We have not gone through this decision thoroughly and carefully. Despite everything we still have massive respect for these two parliament members , they've contributed a lot to this nation. They've served their time in that House and have done great things too. Samoa was once under a list of poor countries but now we are considered as a developed nation because of these two men".


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