"Hanna Fialauiafualeafi Wallwork named 2022 Valedictorian of Samoa College"

Hanna Fialauiafualeafi Wallwork from the villages of Vaoala, Vaimoso, Lefaga and Papa i Puleia in Savaii, has been announced the Samoa College Dux for the year 2022. The aspiring Medical Doctor left the compound on Tuesday with more than 10 trophies
and 2 shields.

Ms Wallwork came first in Overall Year 13 Science, top in her class Year 13M, Overall top student of her level, and was presented with other prestigious awards for achieving first place in Biology, Chemistry, Physics, and

The 16 year old’s impressive haul included The Asi and Mary Fruean Trophy , the SCOPA shield, The Parents & Teachers Association Trophy, the Aliimalemanu Sasa Tevita Trophy, the Elia Fretton Cup, the Rotary Club of Apia Trophy, the Waikato Alumni Trophy, the Ink Patch Prize and school Award for the Dux of 2022.

Hanna Fialauiafualeafi Wallwork Samoa College Dux 2022

Photo By : Anetone Sagaga

In her speech she highlighted that sweet success comes after a lot of
hard work and dedication. Ms Wallwork also thanked her peers for the
memories she has made during her moments in Samoa College.

"Today I stand before the Class of 2022 and the students of Samoa
College to congratulate you all on a job well done", she said.

The Dux also acknowledged the help shown by the teachers of the
College, and stated that if it wasn't for the persistence and the caring
hearts of teachers, they wouldn't have made it this far.

She also added that she dedicates her achievement to her parents and her entire family who have assisted her and pushed her in life and her academic journey. Hanna is the daughter of Tuaopepe Jerry and Losa Maiai Wallwork.

When asked for her thoughts on what her academic voyage was
like in the existence of the pandemic, she explained that she was
completely overwhelmed to have faced the challenge.

''The school journey while having to also deal with COVID was a huge
eye opener for me. I saw an opportunity to be in the medical realm to
help assist the community and its people , especially here in Samoa"
Ms Wallwork added.

Alongside the Valedictorian were many other "Samconians" who have
wrapped up yet another year of education. Tears of joy and excitement
filled the Samoa College Halls in Vaivase Tai as families, friends and
loved ones celebrated the momentous occasion.


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