Head of State has called for parliament to be convened.


In an ironic twist of fate, the day previously set aside for Samoa's second election (since abandoned) will actually see the swearing in of a new government.

The Head of State has called for parliament to be convened but the actual date hasn't set where he will call for a majority government to be formed.

The XVII Parliament will see the debut of the FAST party, ending some 22 year of rule by the HRPP.

The new parliamentary line up comes after weeks of name calling, misunderstanding, accusations, threats of bans, late night declarations and several historic legal disputes at the highest level. Never before has Samoa's Constitution been subject to such rigorous scrutiny in such a relative short time and with so much hanging in the balance.

It is with some relief that a new parliament will finally sit and Samoa can start to move forward under this new regime.

But of course this situation too is somewhat tenuous. Commencing next week the Court will begin to hear and decide a host of appeals and counter claims relating to bribery and treating during the election. So much has happened since that election day but the ramifications are far from over.

The outcome of these challenges could further change the complexion of parliament. Given the narrowness of the majority (1seat) and the tenacity of both parties, the return of an HRPP lead government is not beyond the realm of possibility. Likewise we could well see the narrow FAST majority further enhanced.

Since the 2 court cases were decided last Monday, there appears to a degree of maturity, respect and dignity previously lacking.

We pray this maturity, respect and dignity will prevale, emotions set aside and we collectively move forward.


