A cyber specialist has arrived in Samoa to assist the Ministry of Police & Prisons in tackling cyber crimes of all sorts. Enoka Feterika is on a mission to decrease the high rise of online criminal activities in Samoa and child exploitation is at the peak of his targets.

The Ministry of Police & Prisons  has collaborated with a specialist from the New Zealand Police and the Pacific Islands Chiefs of Police for two weeks in the "Cyber Safety Pacific" programme. This follows a concerning increase in numbers of  cyber crimes activities such as human trafficking , identity theft , online combat , financial schemes and more circulating in the Pacific. 

In an exclusive interview with EyeSpy Radio via a phone call, Mr Feterika highlighted the significance of the training and how it would benefit Samoa tremendously for online security and safety. Especially now that there is immense activeness of Samoans on Social Media.

When asked about the proceedings of the operation and how it can be carried out, Mr Feterika responded that the operations are to be kept classified. This is to create a step ahead from cyberpunks and technoids.

"The establishment of this training is to allocate the importance of tackling the crimes we see circulating Social Media generally. Samoa is slowly becoming a victim in this area , and we are preparing to track them down" Mr Feterika explained.

He added that the training focuses mainly on elevating the Information Technology (I.T) which two trainees are currently studying. The Criminal Investigation Department (C.I.D) is one of the main aspects that Enoka tries to boost with 60 trainees undergoing the preparations.

"The Forensic Department is one of these areas we try to improve and develop , as they also need much enhancement and assistance. I am here for 2 weeks to conduct this training , and will be back again shortly to further expand this training." he added.

According to the Pacific Transnational Crime Network (P.T.C.N) meeting that was held in Samoa in 2022 , it stated that Samoa was one of the many countries who view ''child pornography'' at a disturbing level. Discussions were tabled regarding the vulnerability and the safety of the Pacific community and how they can resolve the rising of these issues.

Following speculations by the Commissioner of Police Auapa'au Logoitino Filipo during the conference. He stated that if it wasn't for the national lockdown these issues would have been resolved 2 years ago but now that the opportunity has been tabled , they are ready to take actions.

"Child pornography is a high risk issue that needs to be addressed in Samoa. Serious actions need to be taken as we are a nation founded on God." stated the Commissioner of Police.

Mr Enoka Feterika who is based in Wellington New Zealand , has been in the industry for 20 years. According to the specialist he is excited to execute this initiative in the homeland. Hackers may have to look out for someone like Enoka as he has 12 years of experience in Forensics , Digital Forensics and Net Engineering. 




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