
20 September 2021

All private businesses, the public sector and state owned enterprises will be closed for 2 days this Thursday 23 and Friday 24 September from 6am until 6pm.

The purpose of the shut down is to implement a mass vaccination program against Covid 19. While the notice issued by MCIL stresses that this is not to be treated as a Public Holiday, it requests employers to provide assistance in the form of normal wages, annual leave, sick leave or advanced leave for their staff.

The legality of applying such leave in these circumstances remains unclear. The imperative behind the campaign is well intentioned and well understood.

While Samoa has one if the highest vaccination rates in the Pacific (much higher than New Zealand or Australia), it is a long way from reaching mass or herd protection through higher rates of protection. Over 80% of the eligible Samoan population has had the first dose and over 40% has had both doses. In spite of "doing the right thing" these people are penalised by having to close businesses or not work for 2 days.

The private sector has been particularly hard hit by the pandemic. It is hoped that by achieving higher rates of vaccination that the possibility of travel within the region might finally be considered. Perhaps an alternative strategy could have been for the mobile clinics to set up in town or to target government and other office buildings to ensure all workers receive vaccination. Another strategy could be to offer a monetary incentive as was done with the measles campaign. It is understood that vaccination does not provide immunity but it does offer a higher degree of protection.

A vaccinated person may still be a "carrier" although not symptomatic. Mass vaccination will provide better protection to our community as a whole. However the anti vaxers and conspiracy theorists may disagree.

Be safe Samoa.


ThE uropean Union funds five Ultra Violet (UV) Kiosks Pilot Project withSamoa Independent Water Schemes Association .
