The new C.E.O Aeau Chris Hazelman ready to take on the duties of its Ministry.
Photo: Ministry of Education Sports & Culture
The Ministry of Education Sports & Culture (M.E.S.C) has welcomed their newly appointed Chief Executive Officer Aeau Chris Hazelman who will be serving the Ministry for the next 3 years. This comes after the position was vacant since February this year.
A special religious service was performed on Monday morning, and it was led by a retired pastor, Rev. Elder Viao Edward who highlighted the significance of being called to serve the country.
"Having to actually serve your country and the weight it comes in , it is not easy but possible in God's timing combined with your faith" he preached.
A manifold of Public Servants who serve under the Ministry gathered at the M.E.S.C Fale Samoa to witness the welcoming of its new boss. Minister of Education Sports and Culture Honourable Seuula Ioane was also amongst the many who participated in greeting Aeau Chris
Ae'au in his remarks stated that he once questioned the Ministry and its manner of proceeding its work. Now with him being appointed in the same position he questioned he states,
"In the past many years, I have thrown stones at the Ministry and questioned other actions, but this time, I am ready to pick up these stones and throw them in,"he said.
He also called on the Ministry and its staff members to support and work together in order to achieve goals for the betterment of Samoa and its education system.
A traditional cultural ceremony (Ava Feiloa'iga) was conducted to welcome Aeau and for the Ministry and its members to officially accept their newly appointed Chief Executive Officer.
The position has been vacant since the 21st of February this year when the former Chief Executive Officer Afamasaga Dr. Karoline Fuata’i left the Ministry after an official termination letter was handed out by the current Government two weeks prior to end her duties as the Chief
Executive Officer .
Following Afamasaga being accused of not complying with decisions made by Prime Minister Fiame Naomi Mata'afa to restart school, COVID-19 protocols were activated by the time but instead she announced for schools to remain closed.