Photo : Samoa Conservation Society

The famous Mt Vaea hiking trek makes life easier for people with disabilities to enjoy nature. A new project that was carried out by the Samoa Conservation Society and its partners, adding a new wheelchair friendly walkway for all visitors and the community of Samoa.

The newly installed trail traverses through a developing curative garden and butterfly plant garden heading towards the Information Fale and Art Whistler Garden. This makes it easier for people with disabilities to travel through and access beautiful sites within the strolling area and in future braille signage signs for those who are visually impaired.

Photo : Samoa Conservation Society

In an interview with the Samoa Conservation Society Vice President James Atherton he states

"The project was an absolute success and we were happy with it. The initiative and aim was to give accessibility towards everyone a chance to enjoy nature and these botanical gardens. Because everyone deserves to enjoy nature and the outdoors,"he says.

The project was funded by the UK in Samoa who has been committed to green leadership programs through carbon audits and conservation work. Also the S.R.O.S (Scientific Research Organisation of Samoa) assisted in the project with plant collections , medical plants that were placed at the garden.

A disability inclusive officer of the S.B.A (Samoa Blind Association) and member of N.O.L.A (Nuanua O Le Alofa) Asomualemalama Ari Hazelman was also present at the official opening of the project.

"I am very happy with this initiative and how it will help people with disabilities like myself. It will be beneficial not only for people with disabilities but for the elderly community as well " he states.

He acknowledges the Samoa Conservation Society and its partners for this great initiative , for its infrastructure and also the access to information that they will have in braille signage signs for those who are visually impaired.


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