Performers Honor Allan Alo And His Legacy

Performers Showcase Talent at Allan Alo Arts Festival.

Photo: Eyespy Radio

The memory of the late Seiuli Allan Alo was commemorated throughout this year's Allan Alo Arts festival, a 4 day event celebrating the performing arts and honoring his great legacy.

The Allan Alo Arts Festival 2022 kicked off on Thursday with the first out of three shows, and was opened by the Hon. Prime Minister and S.P.A.C.E Patron of the performing arts Hon. Fiame Naomi Mata'afa. The first show was titled "Bollywood" and featured numerous performances celebrating the arts and culture of India.

Performers Showcase Talent at Allan Alo Arts Festival.

Photo: Eyespy Radio

On Friday the performers paid homage to the culture and the arts of Polynesia as it was themed "Pollywood", and then concluded the week of festivities with its final "Hollywood" themed show on Saturday.

Taumeasina Island Resort was packed with spectators who were treated to a night filled with fantastic displays of dances, music and talent from Samoa Performing Arts and Creative Excellence (S.P.A.C.E), Samadhi Hawaii, Mata Dance Fiji, the Vaiala EFKS Choir, as well as performances from other local and international performers.

The final show opened with a powerful performance by two young dancers titled "It's 10pm, do you know where your children are?". The creative masterpiece highlighted the need to keep our children safe from the different dangers of the world, and was soon followed with a special piece by members of S.P.A.C.E dedicated to their loved ones who had passed on.

Allan Alo Arts Festival.

Photo: Eyespy Radio

Other performances of the night included a variety of contemporary dance numbers and Hip hop performances by Mata Dance Fiji and S.P.A.C.E, musical numbers by the Vaiala EFKS Choir which also featured one of S.P.A.C.E's very own directors Valentino Maliko, and thrilling aerial performances by Glenville Lord of S.P.A.C.E and Andrea Torres of Samadhi Hawaii.

A member of the public who was present during the last night of the festival, Mr. Kemo Iakopo, said that he was awed by the performances at the "Hollywood" show. "I really liked all of the performances, especially the group from Fiji, Mata Dance Fiji. They were really energetic when they performed and it was just so entertaining to watch," he stated.

Allan Alo Arts Festival.

Photo: Eyespy Radio

The festival also gave Samoan and Pacific choreographers the opportunity to showcase not only their talents, but also to celebrate the legacy of the late Seiuli Allan Alo. During her keynote address at the beginning of the festival, Prime Minister Fiame Naomi Mata'afa urged the performers and choreographers to advance the legacy left behind by the great legendary performer.

One of the Directors for S.P.A.C.E, Mr. Glenville Lord, stated that he believes this year's festival was a success, because it celebrated the culture of Samoa as our small island celebrated 60 years of independence this year.

"I think we achieved one of our goals, which was to celebrate Samoan culture and the arts in regards to the celebration of Samoa's 60th year since gaining its independence, but also the memory and the work of our dear friend Seiuli Allan Alo" he conveyed.

The Co-Director also acknowledged the support of the people of Samoa and its various sponsors. "I would like to thank all the amazing sponsors that were onboard with us in hosting this year's Allan Alo Arts Festival; without them the festival would not have been possible."

"I'd like to take this opportunity to thank all the sponsors that were involved such as Vodafone Samoa, Vailima Breweries, Taumeasina Island Resort, Samoa Tourism Authority, Eyespy Radio 87.5, Naydith Events & Hireage, Samoa Sporting Facilities Authority, also our patron the P.M Hon. Fiame Naomi, DJ Chixx & Photography, and to the people of Samoa for all their support, we look forward to seeing you again next year."

Mata Dance Fiji member, Millie Banivanua conveyed that she is also very grateful for the opportunity to participate in the Allan Alo Arts Festival this year. "Mata Dance Fiji is very grateful to have had the opportunity to work with performers from overseas and here in Samoa. This festival brought together the two cultures of Samoa and Fiji and we've really enjoyed the time we've had in Samoa. I would also like to thank S.P.A.C.E, as well as Tino and Glen for making us feel at home and making sure we were comfortable. I can't wait for next year's festival," she said.




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