Afamasaga Victor Elia E P C Chief Engineer.

Photo: Eyespy Radio / Anetone Sagaga

The Samoa Renewable Energy Week programme has officially started,
with ambitious goals set out by the Electric Power Corporations
(E.P.C) for a major switch in Samoa's energy usage. Projects are
expected to run on an approximated total amount of US$100 Million

The focal point of this Renewable Energy strategy by the Government
focuses on enhancing the Sustainable Development of Samoa. The
Electric Power Corporation is set to help the Government regarding
sources and providing ideas in collecting renewable energy. The
blueprint is set to scale out spaces in the landscapes of Samoa where
projects like HydroPower and Wind Energy.

According to Afamasaga Victor Elia who is the Chief Engineer of EPC ,
stated that options have been laid on the table for construction work
to be done. Some of the areas he mentioned for these projects are Mt
Lepu'e and Vaia'ata and Fiaga where WindMills are set to be built.

"We need to look at increasing our generation from the wind farm,"
Afamasaga stated.

The project is also set to combine wind , hydro and solar energy in a
surveillance that will be conducted. This will mean whichever source
of energy is highly collected will be chosen as the main focus of

Afamasaga stated that natural disasters like Cyclone Eveni back in
2012 destroyed about 60% of Hydro Energy infrastructure in Samoa. This
immensely affected the renewable energy development of Samoa. The
refurbishment of these damaged projects have been addressed and

"The main goal is to collect as much electricity as we can , so we can
reach 70% of renewable energy. Currently Samoa is sitting on 60%
diesel and 40% renewable energy BY 2030" stated Afamasaga


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