Rev. Elder Tunumoso Soliola Iosia is the new C.C.C.S. Chairman

Rev. Elder Tunumoso Soliola Iosia is the new Chairman of the Congregational Christian Church of Samoa (C.C.C.S.).

Rev. Elder Iosia is from Lepa and his wife, Faletua Susana Papalii is from Sapapalii, Savai’i.

The new Chairman delivered a powerful sermon about putting the love of Christ into action to close the 2022 C.C.C.S. Fonotele that opened on 19 September and closed on Friday, 30 September.

Several weeks ago the Chairman attended the 11th Assembly of the World Council of Churches (W.C.C.) in Germany where more than 300 Churches were represented.

At the 11th Assembly, Rev. Elder Iosia was elected to the W.C.C. Central Committee, one of six representatives for the Pacific region.

“The theme was Christ’s love moves the world to reconciliation and unity,” Chairman Iosia said.

“Christ’s love is what we take away from this Fonotele (Conference).”

Leaders of various Churches who converged in Germany, upon leaving the W.C.C. meeting would return to face the many problems and challenges in their respective nations.

“I don’t have to mention the state the world is in. Leave the world behind and keep our minds focused on the love of Christ,” the Chairman said.

The Church is not perfect and has its share of problems and challenges and Rev. Elder said the problems cannot be fixed by people.

“Only Christ’s love can fix those problems,” he told the hundreds who convened for the two-week long conference at the Malua Theological College.

“It’s easy to forget that even if we heard it here at Malua. We will leave here and forget. And even if we do remember, we will leave and we cannot do it.”

He implored conferees, all C.C.C.S. leaders, some retired, to share and walk in the love of Christ with family, friends and strangers alike; to make amends with brothers and sisters.

“Share the love of Christ even with your enemies,” said Chairman Iosia.

He implored all to be that Good Samaritan who lifts the weak, succors the afflicted, the injured, vulnerable and the ill.

“Where is God’s love? We speak of it here (at Malua) and when we leave here we do not put it into action,” said Chairman Iosia.

“Share God’s love with your family, friends and enemies, share the love of Christ with people you are happy with and the people you are angry with; with people you know and people you do not know. That is the strength of Christ’s love.”

Christ’s love, he said, goes where there is division and strife to bring about reconciliation and unity.

Many “speak of love and talk about it but they cannot help the afflicted,” said Rev. Elder Iosia.

Many “teach and talk of it but they do not put it into action,” he added.

“The Good Samaritan had the love of Christ,” said Chairman Iosia.

“Show that love to the abused, to those who are suffering. When you love those people, you love Christ who died for us. What good is speaking of the love of Christ when we don’t live it and we don’t have love for others?”

Christ’s love leads us to live in harmony, to love others and it goes beyond distance, able to make an impact near and far; in the shallow waters and in the very deep, he said.

“Nothing can bind Christ’s love…let us go forth and give to others the love of Christ. Think of schoolchildren in their classrooms: they learn theory but when they go out on the field they do the practical,” said Chairman Iosia.

“We have done the theory here. Now we must go and practice what we have spoken of here at Malua – the love of Christ. It starts with me. It has to start with me only then I can love another person be as a living sacrifice to the Church of Christ. This is our duty as we prepare to leave Malua.”

He told conferees to put the Lord first and the Lord will provide when His servants serve Him faithfully. The Chairman then blessed those who traveled from afar with a word for safe travels.

Vice Chair-elect is Rev. Elder Iosefa Uilelea; Rev. Vavatau Taufao is General Secretary and Treasurer is Rev. Melepone Isara.

Early this week in other news from Malua, the humanitarian arm of the C.C.C.S., the Tautua Puapuaga o Tagata (T.P.T), presented the Government of Samoa, through the Ministry of Health, a donation of $70,000.

The donation took place on Monday, 26 September, 2022.

The government applauded the donation, according to a statement from the Press Secretariat.

President of the T.P.T, Mrs. Teki Uilelea and distinguished members presented the monetary gift to the Minister of Health, Valasi Luapitoifanua T. T. Selesele.

The donation will be distributed among the Samoa National Hospital at Motootua ($10,000); the hospitals in Savai’i ($10,000); the National Kidney Foundation at Motootua ($30,000) and the N.K.F. at Tuasivi in Savai’i ($20,000).

The Health Minister, on behalf of the Government, expressed gratitude to Tautua Puapuaga o Tagata organisation for their kindness and continued generosity to the Ministry of Health Foundations and the people of Samoa.

Aside from continued funding to support the Samoa Kidney Foundation each year, to sustain life saving services to the local resident, Minister Valasi also praised and acknowledged the Tautua Puapuaga o Tagata as one of the kind Samaritans and benefactors of the Kidney Foundations.

Also from Malua, last weekend on Saturday, 24 September, 19 men were ordained as Faifeau Samoa (Reverend).

Church leaders, teachers, family, friends and supporters of the newly ordained ministers and their wives (Faletua) packed the C.C.C.S. Jubilee Church for the ordination.

Upon graduating from Malua after four years of study at the Theological College, the new ministers served the Church for two years.

On Saturday, the men were ordained full-fledged Faifeau Samoa, given the blessings of the Church Elders and received their certificates and the title of Reverend.

The 19 Faifeau Samoa can now perform the Sacraments.

The theme of the 2022 C.C.C.S. Conference is “Love For One Another” or “E Alofa Ole Tasi i le Isi” found in 1 Peter/Peteru 4:10.


  • Challis Pupi and Sarahnetta Pupi (Faleata)

  • Clarke Stowers and Fofogaolevai Stowers (Kolisi Malua)

  • Faalefu Tumutalie and Bellarose Tumutalie (Faleata)

  • Falealii Afamasaga and Leuteifuiono Afamasaga (Aana)

  • Falesefulu Falesefulu and Vea Falesefulu (Vaimauga)

  • Fatilua Fatilua and Vaituutuu Fatilua (Kolisi Malua)

  • Faulalo Kennar and Beuty Kennar (Aana)

  • Iona Leaana and Peta Leaana (Amerika)

  • Keresoma Seuala and Tuvalu and Seuala (Faleata)

  • Kilepoa Ioane and Tolusiamupini Ioane (Falealili-Safata-Siumu)

  • Letaulau Mataafa and Sarai Mataafa (Faasaleleaga)

  • Mathew Simati and Dorothy Simati (Faleata)

  • Oli Levi and Peti Levi (Ituotane)

  • Onosai Nofoa’iga and Aloese Nofoa’iga (Aana)

  • Peia Lesatele and Eseta Lesatele (Ituotane)

  • Suafai Soliola and Lea Soliola (Niusauelese)

  • Sunita Nua and Tuano’a Nua (Laumua o Aotearoa)

  • Tutotatasi Toalima and Fetu Toalima (Kolisi Malua)

  • Valoaga Ropati and Uatifoti Ropati (Manukau)


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