
Press Statement by Hon. Tuilaepa Sailele Malielegaoi

The FAST Government’s policy of sacking top civil servants, nepotism and corruption, was never a secret.

It was announced by PM Fiame in an angry outburst when the Electoral Commissioner announced the 6 th female MP who was an HRPP member giving the General Election’s result of 26-26, for the Human Rights Protection Party and the Faatuatua I le Atua Samoa ua Tasi Party.

The court’s interventions which followed resulted in the political impasse and the uncertainty Samoa still faces today.

The recent forced resignations, proposed commissions of inquiry, and other investigations are only a way to legally disguise a premeditated fall of the axe on public servants.

The widely publicised Zoom session of 13 August by the chief architect of the swearing ceremony under a tent, Taulapapa Brenda Heather-Latu with Mike Field of New Zealand and Australian Sue Ahern, laid the groundwork and final proof of what was to come.

The allegations against the professionalism of Samoa’s Public Service made by the former Attorney General Mrs heather-Latu were baseless, personal and evil.

The legal stance taken by the current Attorney General – Savalenoa Mrs Mareva Betham- Annandale to defend the Head of State and the Electoral Commissioner in accordance with her role as Attorney General is a crime in the eyes of PM Fiame and her Cabinet.

Thus, for performing her constitutional functions, the Attorney General is being accused of wrongdoing and is currently under suspension.

The question this raises is, is the AG a danger to other illegal and corrupt activities planned by Fiame and her Cabinet Ministers, and indeed the FAST party?

The observance of the rule of law embodied in the good governance principles followed by the Public Service has dealt a severe blow to the ego of the PM Fiame and her Cabinet.

The question is, which CEOs and ACEOs will next face the axing block?

Furthermore, which family members and supporters of FAST, with no experience, will be selected to take over top posts with higher salaries justified by exceptionally highfalutin titles!

All this while ignoring the legal processes laid down in law and conventional practices which created stability under the leadership of the previous Government?

The recruiting systems were established progressively over many years of HRPP custodianship with both Fiame and Laauli sitting in Cabinet and participating in the approval process.

It raises the question, is there anyone in the FAST Cabinet with a conscience?

Hon. Laauli, a bully, seems to be directing all the decision making processes within the party he started.

Why? Where is the PM, and where is the reportedly costly Deputy PM?

The process of recruitment of staff in the Public Service of Samoa is well known.

It is designed to be open to everyone.

The selection process from the interview to the final transparent appointment, is fair.

The entitlement as to salary, sick leave, the right to reapply when the contract ends and paths to promotion, are in black and white.

Public servants have fundamental rights that are protected under the laws of Samoa.

How can a Government now ignore all the fundamental rights of Public Servants?

Yet, Taulapapa Heather Latu, during the public debate of the three bills that have now been passed by Parliament with an overwhelming majority, repeatedly proclaimed in her many TV appearances the need to observe the Rule of Law in Samoa!

As Brenda is indeed the legal advisor to the PM day and night, let the readers’ judge for themselves as to who is the bigger hypocrite in Samoa today.

Will the Public Servants Association continue to be tolerant against these abuses?

If the Judiciary cannot be perceived to be truly independent as the final resort to deliver justice to a nation, what can PSA do to retain its honor?

This is the biggest question to all educated sons and daughters of Samoa today.


Ministry of Works(M.W.T.I) won the Alo paopao Teuila Business House Regatta 2021.


PHOTOS: ‘FISH TO THE MAX’ Open tournament.