Samoa Victim Support Group Joins International Women’s Day Celebration
Photo: SVSG
Samoa Victim Support Group (SVSG) had joined the global commemoration celebration of the International Women’s Day (IWD) 2023 today.
On the theme: Embrace Equity, the global campaign seeks to draw attention to the fact that equalopportunities are not enough to achieve true inclusion and belonging. As such, there is a call to action, to embrace equity in all its form.
Photo: SVSG
Today, SVSG had captured some of the beneficiaries and partners to its support services, as they strike the IWD #EmbraceEquity pose to show solidarity.
A call from the SVSG President Siliniu Lina Chang as she embraces the girl survivors of violence, sums up SVSG’s action for this year’s celebration. “As a family, let us #EmbraceEquity in all its form, as equal opportunities are not enough to achieve true inclusion.
The rehabilitative women offenders of violence, looking towards the horizon as they #EmbraceEquity with the Women Counsellors who have helped them with their recovery journey.
The inclusion of people with disabilities not only as the beneficiaries of SVSG’s support services but also SVSG personnel, is how we truly #EmbraceEquity
The self-employed nofotane women, who have been empowered to embrace the work of their hands are also acknowledged today with pride. This is becauses the nofotane women survivors of violence’s journey is similar to that of the 45 year old mother of 2 children, currently cared for at the Sakura Domestic Violence shelter.
Photo: SVSG
But forging gender equity isn’t limited to women solely fighting the good fight. Allies are incredibly important for the social, economic, cultural and political advancement of women.
Today at the Campus of Hope, H.E Mr. Chao Xiaoliang Ambassador of China to Samoa officially opened the teaching of the Chineses Language as part of the sheltered children’s educational rehabilitation program,
under the coordination of the Confucius Institute. “As a women-led organization, I represent SVSG in wishing all women a happy celebration this year, as we #EmbraceEquity to achieve equality.”
Siliniu Lina Chang, SVSG President