Christmas Parade In Apia

Photo: Eyespy Radio

It has become a tradition every year the Samoa Tourism Authority Christmas parade taken to the streets of Apia. This time the Manu Samoa 7s Cape Town Winners lead the march with the Championship trophy held high.

Festive spirits were high on Wednesday evening as many people in Apia were treated with an early visit from Santa. Just like last year Santa would ride the top of a Firetruck and throw out candy and snacks to many people in town. Children were seen flocking the side of the road collecting as much treats as they could.

The parade started from the Matautu Harbour , where members of the S.T.A , Ministry of the Prime Ministers Office and Manu Samoa 7s together with Tama Samoa U20 and Digicel Samoa marched towards the Friendship Park just behind the Government Building. 

“I love bringing my children in Apia to witness the parades at this time of the year. It’s Christmas time , it’s a time of joy and celebrating the birth of Christ” stated one local all hyped up for the Holidays.

Capetown Rugby 7’s Champions Manu Samoa 7’s

Photo: Eyespy Radio

Several police members were sighted by this radio station patrolling the area , ensuring the safety of those who were travelling on the streets as the parade made its way to Friendship Park venue.

Another programme set to celebrate the festive season and the welcoming of 2023. Choir entertainments and various other shows will be conducted today the 22nd and tomorrow the 23rd of December at the Government Building in Apia. This will also lead up to firework shows for New Years.

The Samoa Tourism also has plans for the Big Island of Savaii this year. According to S.T.A Principal Culture Liaison Officer Fanaea Natu , there will be two fireworks display this year , one in Apia Upolu and one in Salelologa Savaii making it the first time ever for the Big Island.


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