Fofogafaolevaimauga holds a portrait of her late father
Punimatagi Afaese alongside her mother Vaivao Punimatagi on the far
left and members of her family.
Photo By: Eyespy Radio / Anetone Sagaga

Fofogafaolevaimauga Punimatagi has been named the 2022 Dux of Vaimauga College for this year. The Arts student has topped a total of 5 subjects and the overall Yr 13 level top student and consigns her achievement to her late father Punimatagi Afaese who passed away in 2016.

The 18 year old left the gates of Vaimauga with more than 10 trophies and was presented with other prestigious certificates. One of the many special prizes she took home was the trophy of being the Head Girl of the College , and a few more other trophies she was awarded with.

Only having to experience the presence of her late father Punimatagi for a few years, Fofoga took it as motivation to walk up that stage and make every moment of her life count.

According to her mother Vaivao Punimatagi she stated that it has not been an easy journey without the father of the family.

"It's been tough without him around to witness what her daughter has achieved. We miss him terribly" said Mrs Afaese

She also added that Fofogafaolevaimauga is one of the quietest amongst her children.

"She's very smart and quiet , but when she is at her limit , because everyone has a limit then I will hear her voice" she added.

Alalatama Siaunuua Faumatu Faamanatu who is the High Chief and the brother of Fofogas mother Vaivao stated in an interview with Eyespy Radio.

"She's a very bright and quiet young girl and we as her family are extremely proud of her and her achievements. She has done well" says her uncle.

When asked what this meant for her and her future she stated that this was another step to a successful road ahead.

"It's only the beginning of a new journey , my school journey does not end here. This is for you dad" the valedictorian said in tears.

Fofoga managed to top both English and Gagana Samoan (Native Language) subjects for the entire level , and she also came 1st in Computer Studies under the TVET Programme which the College was the first in the district to complete the course. Following her field of studies and interest , Fofoga  became 1st in both Geography and History subjects. 

When asked what profession she chooses to pursue in the future , she stated that she wanted to go after the field that she is currently studying in Arts. '"I'll see where the journey takes me in life, whatever the good Lord has planned out for me I will accept it" says Fofoga.

The Vaimauga College Hall was packed on Wednesday morning with families and loved ones of the students , who came to witness the harvest of yet another long year of learning. 

The school started off with 60 Yr 13 students who have registered in the beginning of the year , they were then hortlisted down to only 42 total of students who were able to complete this academic year , with 62% of them able to accomplish the S.S.L.C (Samoa School Leave Certificate) National Examinations. 




Valedictorian Dedicates Award To The Memory Of Her Late Great Grandmother