67 Apprentices Graduate From A.P.T.C
Australian Pacific Training Coalition (A.P.T.C)
Photo: Supplied
The Australian Pacific Training Coalition (A.P.T.C) has selected Tuesday of this week to celebrate and recognize the achievements of all the individuals who have completed the technical institute's various courses such as literacy, anger management, and improving the level of knowledge in the Samoan language.
There are also students who have also completed their Technical studies' in plumbing and carpentry.
Out of the 67 students who've completed their studies, 35 of them are women. This is an incredible achievement as most vocational courses such as plumbing and carpentry are dominated by men. But this year's 35 woman graduates in carpentry and plumbing have broken the norm in an industry strongly influenced by men.
It has also been announced that 13 others with permanent physical needs will join this year's graduating class after they completed their studies in courses such as the Samoan language and Mathematics.
The representative of the Government of Australia in Samoa, High Commissioner Emily Luck, will be the keynote speaker at the graduation ceremony.