Class of 2022 during their performance at the Graduation Ceremony.
Photo: Eyespy radio
Families and friends were at the Tesese Institute to congratulate students who underwent studies for the year 2022.on Thursday this week. it was a joyous moment for the students and families that were present to witness and celebrate the achievements of the graduates.
Tears of joy and bright smiles filled the Maota of EFKS Hall in Sogi on Thursday morning as families , friends and loved ones attended to cheer for the Tesese Graduating Class of 2022.
The Graduating students were awarded with certificates , legitimizing the courses and field they have studied hard for. Some of these courses included Office Administration Diplomas and Computing Skills and certificates on moulding Office Skills.
In an interview with EyeSpy Radio , Taufao Anitelea who topped the overall Diploma in Office and Administration & Computing course stated how grateful she was to have come this far in her academic life.
"I'm very grateful to God for this rare opportunity in today's age. I've been completely overwhelmed and pleased to have achieved this far in my academic career" she stated.
Mereli Vili who topped the Office Administration And Computing in tears told the EyeSpy how grateful she is to have finished this year strong.
"It wasn't an easy journey, but God provided . I made it mum" she told Eye Spy Radio
A total of 126 students have passed their exams in the Australian Business Learning , 38 students were blessed to have landed jobs in the Government , Companies and Private Businesses while undergoing their programme.
About 43 students received sponsorship and had their tuition paid by the SQA , the assistants much needed help for some students who couldn't afford to pay for their education.
After the formalities and official certificate handouts , the Class of 2022 performed a ski. In the finishing touches a Siva Tau was done in dedication to their families and faithful supporters .