The Valedictorian for Tesese Institute 2022 Epenesa Eneliko.
Photo: Eyespy Radio
The Tesese Institute Dux for 2022 is Epenesa Eneliko from the villages of Lalomanu & Fagalii Uta. In tears she stated that "God was the pillar of her success".
The 25 year old has topped the overall Class of 2022 and was announced the valedictorian for this year.Juggling a full time job and school didn't stop Epenesa Eneliko from achieving her goals at such a young age.
In times of her struggling to sleep and have the energy to study , "it paid off" she told Eye Spy Radio.''It was totally worth it.
All glory to God for his continuous blessings upon me" she says with tears of joy.The aspiring business lady left the Maota of Tupulaga with a manifold of trophies and drowned in "ula lole" candy necklaces. Epenesa managed to become first in Office Administration , Word Processing ,2nd place in Software Application and Business Communications. Epenesa's journey at Tesese started last year in 2021 .
She started at the Certificate level and was fortunate to have been elevated to Diploma level.
The Institute was a second home to Epenesa , and happened to have a number of supporters from her Graduating Class boosted her confidence in pushing on with her studies.
She further added that one of the main reasons why she joined the Institute was that she could be the best she could be with her family and the people of Samoa. She hopes that her achievement will serve the great or good of Samoa.
"That was the goal , it was to help. But not only to help but to be equipped to help others " she told Eye Spy Radio.The Valedictorian of 2022 has encouraged the public that with "God " anything is possible if you set your mind and energy on to him. "It's all in the name of the Lord" she stated.