A.D.B. Regional Director for the Pacific Subregional
Office, Aaron Batten and Ministry of Finance Mulipola Anarosa Ale

Photo: Government of Samoa

The Ministry of Finance Mulipola Anarosa Molioo has signed a grant
agreement of $US7.5 Million dollars with the Asian Development Bank
(A.D.B) in a rehabilitation plan for the economic downfall due to the
COVID19 pandemic.

A.D.B. Regional Director for the Pacific Subregional Office, Aaron
Batten presented the grant on Tuesday this week , and conducted the
official signature process together with Samoas finance minister
Mulipola Anarosa Molioo.

In a statement by A.D.B's Regional Director Aaron Batten he stated the
undertaking of the regulations and legal rehabilitations for Samoa's
development all in its business environment. He also stated that this
will boost the recovery of the Private Sectors as they are the core of
the Asian Development Bank's supported program.

The importance of this recovery plan for the development of Samoa was
highlighted by the Ministry of Finance Mulipola , she stated that the
assistance by the Asian Development Bank will enhance the private
sector and the loophole that COVID-19 left , bruising the economy of
the nation.

She acknowledged the Asian Development Bank for the grant and for
their continued support for Samoa and its people.

As part of this support program by the Asian Development Bank , they
have been conducting this assistance for a long time. The program is
set to provide grants to the most vulnerable nations and also their
partners by assisting them with recovery plans to redeem from the
economic crisis.

ADB is committed to achieving a prosperous, inclusive, resilient, and
sustainable Asia and the Pacific, while sustaining its efforts to
eradicate extreme poverty. Established in 1966, it is owned by 68
members—49 from the region.


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