Chanel College receives donations of school supplies

Chanel College receives donations from Auckland Chanel College Old Students' Association

The donation was handed over to Chanel College Old Students Association President Tamaseu Clarence Warren on Tuesday by Vui Kelemete Lolesio who represented the Auckland Chanel College Old Students' Association.

The donation of chairs, desks, and books for Chanel College and St. Peter Chanel Primary School were from Manurewa High School and St. John The Evangeslist School Otara New Zealand.

In an interview with Eyespy Radio on Tuesday, Chanel College Principal Aleki Silao said that the school has Old Student Associations in New Zealand, Australia, and American Samoa.

"The Auckland Old Studnets Association was requested to find some resources for both the primary school and the college as a result they approached two schools," he said.

He told Eyespy Radio that the donations will go a long way.

He explained that the St. Peter Chanel Community School was established three years ago as a contributing school to the College.

"These contributions from oversaesa are well received," he said.


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