Manu Samoa Coach proud of Moana Pasifika

The Manu Samoa Coach Vaovasamanaia Seilala Mapusua has stated that he is proud of Moana Pasifika's first year in Super Rugby.

Moana Pasifika is a rugby union team that is made up of players from Pacific island nations such as Samoa, Tonga, and Fiji.

"I am really proud of the efforts of the organisation, players, and the staff," Vaovasamanaia told Eyespy Radio in a press conference on Friday.

"It's been a long time coming, and long overdue, but I think its great to get the first year out of the way."

Vaovasamanaia said that it was always going to be hard for Moana Pasifika, and according to him, the team has had the toughest season out of all the teams in Super Rugby, especially with the COVID-19 pandemic.

"We saw them playing three times a week which is very difficult to build momentum across and to test the strength of their depth," he said.

"But in terms of performance I think their last game was a really good reflection of what Moana Pasifika's capable of and I think its a great way to [...] finish the season but also to get excited about the next season and what they can do now that they have a year experience and they're gonna be a year older, a year better this time next year."


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