Electric Power Corporation Celebrates Golden Jubilee

Entries for the Electric Power Corporation (E.P.C.) logo contest, part of the 50th Anniversary celebration for E.P.C. 

Photo: Eyespy Radio / Tina Mata'afa-Tufele Elise 

The Electric Power Corporation (E.P.C.) is celebrating its Golden Jubilee with three days of events that mark 50 years of supplying power to the country.

A one-minute moment of silence that took place on Sunday was a reminder that powering the homes and businesses of Samoa comes at a dear price.

Men have risked their lives working for E.P.C. and despite taking all safety precautions, they died on the job, in service to Samoa.

The late Tevita Amituana’i of Vaitele and Salailua was 22 years old when he died of electrocution while he was working on a utility pole in March of 2019.

E.P.C. explained that Mr. Amituana’i was working on a low distribution network in Alafua when he accidentally slipped and fell and was electrocuted.

When he slipped from the ladder, the late E.P.C. employee accidentally touched the live wire while attempting to conclude the work on a low voltage power pole.

Mr. Amituana’i was part of a team of five linemen including a supervisor who attended the upgrade works on E.P.C.’s low distribution network.

Attendees were asked to stand at the Sunday prayer service in remembrance of E.P.C. professionals who are no longer with us.

The Golden Jubilee officially opened on Sunday with a prayer service led by Rev. Latu Latai at the T.A.T.T.E. Convention Centre.

Hymns were provided by E.P.C.’s Power Generation Division, the Vaitele unit and the T.A.T.T.E. Choir, according to the official programme that was released at a press conference on Friday, 16 December, 2022.

The Prime Minister Fiame Naomi Mata’afa, Cabinet ministers, E.P.C. management and staff were in attendance.

E.P.C. Minister Olo Fiti Vaai, who is also the Minister of Works, Transportation and Infrastructure (M.W.T.I.) delivered the keynote address.

Prime Minister Fiame led the gathering in blessing E.P.C.’s 50th birthday cake.

Entries that have made it to the final phase of the E.P.C. Logo Competition were placed on display for public viewing Sunday night.

On Monday, E.P.C. hosts Career Day at the convention center, its Logo Finalist Competition and the E.P.C. choir competition (Tauvaga Pese Viiviga o le E.P.C.).

Career Day continues on Tuesday.

Prizes will be awarded on Tuesday afternoon.

Closing remarks will be given by Fiaailetoa Pepe Christian Fruean, Chairman of the E.P.C. Board of Directors.




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