Finance Ministry Commences Public Sector Review
Workshop Participants.
Photo: M.O.F
The first workshop on the “Review and Scope of Public Sector Investment Projects supported by the Pacific Region Infrastructure Facility (PRIF) has officially commenced.
The primary purpose of the initiative was to review the pipeline of projects that have been assembled from consultations and analysis of ministry and agency level lists.
Any gaps will be identified and followed up post-workshop. The workshop also introduced the framework for prioritising unfunded pipeline projects and guide participants through the use of this framework. The second workshop is tentatively scheduled for late April 2023.
Opening remarks were from Deputy CEO, Tofilau Lae Siliva, and PRIF Coordinator Officer and Team Leader, Mr. Sean O’Sullivan. There were 23 Ministries and Government Agencies who were well represented as well as Development Partners who were invited for the morning session.
The workshop was facilitated by PRIF Consultants (Glenn Fawcett, Kelly Wyett, Mataafa Dr. Desmond Amosa, Fualau Talatalaga Matafeo and Loau Meapelo Maiai) together with the Ministry of Finance through Lilomaiava Samuel Ieremia and the Economic Policy and Planning Division team (led by the Project Unit – Lemalu John Lemalu, William Pamata and Anastasia Overhoff).