First Samoan Police To Attend A Serious Crime Program
Photo By: Samoa Police , Prisons & Corrections Services.
The Jakarta Centre of Law Enforcement Corporation in Indonesia will host the 16th International Management of Serious Crime (IMOSC) Program, where Superintendent Aumua Col Aumua has been chosen to represent Samoa.
The first SPPCS officer to participate in this distinguished program will be Superintendent Aumua Col Aumua, who is overjoyed to have been chosen. For the duration of the IMOSC program, Superintendent Aumua will spend three 3 weeks in Jakarta.
"I am honored and thrilled to have this chance" he told EyeSpy this week. According to Aumua, the training can help SPPCS in its continued effort to safeguard our communities from the ravages of transnational crime.
Superintendent Aumua Col Aumua is one of the twenty-one 21 participants from the Asia-Pacific area who are taking part in the eagerly awaited program being run by the Australian Federal Police.
Senior officers' intricate investigation leadership and managerial abilities are to be developed through the 16th IMOSC program which is established in 2004 by the Government of Australia and Indonesia.