Gagaifolevao hosts Talomua

Gagaifolevao hosts Talomua with the theme "Future prosperity lies within the village land and sea".

The Talomua was held on Friday and was organised by the village's Talomua committee where farmers and fishers showcased produce, while the women of the village displayed traditional fine mats and handicrafts.

According to a statement issued by the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries (M.A.F.), the Chairman of the village's Talomua organising committee Su'a John Pasina thanked the Government of Samoa for their support.

The Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries Laauli Leuatea Schmidt congratulated the village for oraginsing the event, and had also commended the support of the village's women's committee.

The Ministry had also provided the village with farming tools and equipment, seeds and seedlings, and juvenile giant clams.


Siumu hosts Talomua


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