Siumu hosts Talomua

The Punauli Farmers and Fishers Association from Siumu hosted their first Talomua on Saturday with the theme "Work hard for the first harvest".

According to a statement issued by the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries (M.A.F.), the Talomua was attended by the Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries, Laauli Leuatea Schmidt, Member of Parliament for Siumu Tu’uu Anasii Leota, Associate Minister of M.A.F. Maiava Fuimaono Tito Asafo, and the Executive Management of M.A.F.

The Ministry had provided the village with farming tools and equipment, seed and seedlings.

Laauli congratulated the Association for organising the Talomua, and said in his keynote address on Saturday that they have worked in partnership with the various livestock and crop famers, and fishers of Siumu to showcase their finest produce.

According to Laauli, this indicated good collaboration within the village to drive agriculture and fisheries development to sustain food, nutrition and income security.


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