Jacinda Ardern To Step Down As N.Z Prime Minister
Jacinda Ardern As n.Z Prime Minister During Her visit to Samoa.
Photo: Ben McKay/AAP PHOTOS
New Zealand's Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern will stand down on February 7.
In a report by NewsTalkZB, Ardern stated that she had hoped to find the energy and heart to continue in the role over summer, however, she said that she could not find it..
Ardern added that she had taken time to reflect on her own future, saying, “This has been the most fulfilling five and a half years of my life.”
She made the announcement on Thursday while holding back tears.
A caucus vote will be held on Sunday for a new Party leader as well as a new Prime Minister.
Grant Robertson told Ardern he would not be putting his name forward to be leader of the Labour Party - and potential P.M.
Labour had taken the decision to choose a new leader within three days, Ardern said.
The PM said her team was well placed to take the country forward and contest the next election and that she's leaving not because she can’t win the upcoming election but because she believes her party can and will win.
She said there was no secret scandal behind her resignation. “I am human. We give as much as we can for as long as we can and then it’s time. And for me, it’s time.
“I am leaving because with such a privileged job comes a big responsibility. The responsibility to know when you are the right person to lead - and also when you’re not,” she said.
Ardern said she had the support of her family to continue and that they had also supported her decision.
Ardern said she was not leaving because it was hard. “I know when I have enough left in the tank to do it justice. I would be doing a disservice to New Zealanders to continue.”
Ardern’s partner Clarke Gayford was in the room for the press conference. “To Neve, mum is looking forward to being there when you start school this year. And to Clarke, let’s get married.”
She had not yet told Neve: “4-year-olds are chatty - couldn’t take the risk.”
Being Prime Minister has been the greatest honour of my life and I want to thank New Zealanders for the enormous privilege of leading the country for the last five and a half years,” Jacinda Ardern said.
”With holding such a privileged role comes responsibility, including the responsibility to know when you’re the right person to lead, and also when you’re not.
”I have given my absolute all to being Prime Minister but it has also taken a lot out of me. You cannot and should not do the job unless you have a full tank, plus a bit in reserve for those unplanned and unexpected challenges that inevitably come along.
”Having reflected over summer I know I no longer have that bit extra in the tank to do the job justice. It’s that simple.
”I have spoken to the Governor-General this morning to let her know.
”In addition to our ambitious agenda that has sought to address long term issues like the housing crisis, child poverty and climate change, we also had to respond to a major biosecurity incursion, a domestic terror attack, a volcanic eruption and a one in one hundred year global pandemic and ensuing economic crisis. The decisions that had to be made have been constant and weighty.
”I’m incredibly proud of what we’ve achieved over the last five years in spite of the many challenges thrown at us. We’ve turned around child poverty statistics and made the most significant increases in welfare support and public housing stock seen in many decades.
“We’ve made it easier to access education and training while improving the pay and conditions of workers. And we’ve worked hard to make progress on issues around our national identify - I believe that teaching our history in schools and celebrating Matariki as our own indigenous national holiday will all make a difference for years to come.
”And we’ve done that while responding to some of the biggest threats to the health and economic wellbeing of New Zealanders, arguably since World War Two.
”The Labour team are incredibly well placed to contest the next election. They are the most experienced team in the country and have shown they have the skills necessary to respond to whatever comes their way.
”I’m not leaving because I believe we can’t win the election, but because I believe Labour can and will win it. We need a fresh set of shoulders for the challenges of both this year and the next three.
”As to my time in the job, I hope I leave New Zealanders with a belief that you can be kind, but strong, empathetic but decisive, optimistic but focused. And that you can be your own kind of leader, someone who knows when it’s time to go.”