Low registration for this year's Fautasi Race

Photo: Supplied

Only three crews have signed up for the 60th Independent Fautasi race, and the deadline is this Friday.

Throughout Samoa's history, the Fautasi race has been the focal point of the nation's independence celebrations.

For Samoans, the ocean serves as their home, food source, and recreational area.

The fautasi race is an annual event where coastal communities compete to show their bravery and leadership.

Regrettably, throughout time, the degree of involvement has drastically decreased.

So much so, that a Fautasi race that was scheduled for the celebration of independence last year had to be canceled because there were only 3 Fautasi who registered.

Only 3 fautasis have registered as of today, with two more days before the deadline on Friday. They are the Tolotolo o Tamauli, Don Bosco and Segavao.

According to Deputy Police Commissioner Papalii Monalisa Tiai Keti, registration is still available.

She also clarified that the committee has no plans to invite an American Samoan fautasi.

The race is scheduled for May 26th.

The Fautasi Race is expected to be one of the key highlights of the country's 60th Independence year-long celebrations, which began in June last year.


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