Photo: SVSG
On Tuesday last week, the newly elected Executive Committee for the SVSG Upolu village representatives gathered at the Princessa Hotel at Motootua for their first meeting this year.
This gathering came about after the election of the Executive Committee comprised of a Chairman – Tusa Tupuola Misa from Matautu Falealili, Vice Chairman – Alesana Seuinuutasi from Vailuutai; Secretary – Nifo Moananu from Vaoala and Treasurer – Taatiti Seve Simei of Elise Fou.
Sixteen other members of the Executive Committee were selected from ten constitutiencies in Upolu. The meeting was chaired by the Vice Chairman, Alesana Seuinuutasi (SVSG Vilalge Rep of Vailuutai) on behalf of the Chairman Tupuola Misa (SVSG Village Rep Matautu Falealili) who away due to illness.
The meeting discussed the Workplan for the village leaders to support the work of SVSG in the community.
Particularly important is the response role played by the SVSG village representatives, in responding to cases of gender based violence referred to SVSG through the Helpline, or referred from the village representatives themselves.
An initiative from the new Executive Committee is for SVSG to carry out awareness programs in each village with a focus on two main areas:
1. Domesctic Violence; and 2. SVSG Support Services According to the new Executive Committee, “the more awareness, the better.” “If our people are made aware of violence being a crime and the consequences of committing such crime, the perpetrators will think twice before resulting to violence. If the victims of violence are made awareness of the support services available, they will be encouraged to speak up.”
The meeting of the Executive Committee for the Upolu SVSG Village Representatives will be held after every three months.