NZ Promotes Youth Employment Through Soft Skills Training 

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The Samoa Chamber of Commerce in partnership with the Manaaki New  Zealand Scholarships Programme conducted the first of three short-term courses targeting  unemployed youth in Upolu. These trainings are part of the New Zealand Short Term Training  Scholarships (STTS) program for the Pacific and are also one of many initiatives that NZ are  engaged in for Samoa’s private sector development. “This years STTS is unique, with training  being delivered locally extending our reach and providing more training opportunities in 

country, we recognize that with cautious in supporting Samoa’s youth, to ensure they are able  to contribute effectively to Samoa’s economic development. And hope that training under the  Manaaki scholarships will help achieve their goal.” Mrs. Lavea’i Ioane, NZ Deputy High  Commissioner during her opening remarks. 

Over the course of three half days from Tuesday 4th to Thursday 6th April, the participants  comprised of ten females and three males engaged in group learning discussions and  activities as part of the training on each soft skill topics including self-awareness, interpersonal  communication, time management, teamwork, leadership and problem solving. Following the 

training which took place at the Hotel Elisa Conference, one participant Mara Misieli  commented, “This workshop has been very helpful, not only that we are getting the opportunity  to be trained, it has also been able to give me the skills to create internal promotion and  enhance self-worth. This allows me to see ahead and plan a career path in terms of my  personal growth, within the company or workplace that I will be a part of. I would like to thank  the Government of NZ through the NZ High Commission and the Chamber of Commerce for  this great opportunity to be a part of.” 

The training concluded with closing words from Mrs. Lavea’i Ioane reassuring NZ’s support in  providing opportunities for our youth through these trainings and wishing all the participants  well on to the next phase of their professional development. SCCI will conduct the next soft  skills training in Savaii followed by financial literacy and basic IT skills trainings which are  scheduled to roll out during May and June for both Upolu and Savaii.


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