President of Land & Titles Court Sworn In
Lesatele Rapi Vaai sworn in by the Head of State .
Photo: Eyespy Radio / Anetone Sagaga
The new President for the Land & Titles Court Lesatele Rapi Va'ai was
sworn in on by the Head of States Tuimalealiʻifano
Vaʻaletoʻa Sualauvi II at his residential home in Vailele.
The ceremony was witnessed by members of cabinet and
members of the Judiciary , families and friends of Lesatele and the
Speaker of the House Papalii Li'o Masipa'u together with Prime
Minister Fiame Naomi Mataafa and the Chief Justice Satiu Simativa
The ceremony commenced around 9:30 am with a small devotion service
conducted by the General Secretary of the Congregational Christian
Church Samoa (C.C.C.S.) Reverend Vavatau Taufao.
LTC President Lesatele Rapi Vaai together with the Head of State and Prime Minister after the swearing in ceremony.
Photo: Eyespy Radio / Anetone Sagaga
After the formalities , Lesatele took the stand before the Head of
State and respected guests and implemented his oath in carrying out
the duties and responsibilities as the new Land & Titles Court
President. Official documents were then signed both by the Head of
State and Lesatele Rapi Va'ai.
In his remarks he accentuated the vital role he was chosen to execute,
for he won't be taking it lightly. He also acknowledged the former
President Fepulea'i Atila Ropati for his dedication and service during
his presidential term of the Land & Titles Court.
The new President of the Land & Titles Court Lesatele Rapi Vaai.
Photo: Eyespy Radio / Anetone Sagaga
''It is with utmost respect that I'd like to acknowledge Fepulea'i for
his commitment while in office, "says Lesatele.
He also stated that Fepulea'i was never fearful in seeking guidance
from him or any of the former experienced people in the Ministry as it
was a wise progress.
After his remarks , the new President of the Land & Titles Court was
greeted by his family and loved ones for congratulatory gestures and
group photos to celebrate this milestone in his career.