Former Seamen celebrating International Maritime Day (Photo: Cedric Ah Colt/ Eyespy Radio Samoa)
The 28th of October is designated as World Maritime Day with the topic "Commitment goes on" as it is on the global calendar for 2023. All seamen are given an ovation for their dedication to Samoa.
In an interview with staff members of Samoa Shipping Corporation, they expressed hope for future generations being trained at the NUS School of Maritime to realize their ambitions for Samoa's safe waters. The future generations of maritime school students from all the islands' schools will get an overview of the ACEO and all of the officers.
In their service, the staff and mariners told Eyespy Radios Reporter of the consequences Samoa would face if there’s no service because they are the securities of the entrance and exit across the islands ocean.
All other ministries who are celebrating today include the Samoa Shipping Services (SSS), Samoa Port Authority (SPA), Ministry of Work, Transport and Industry (MWTI) under Maritime Division, Samoa Police, Prisons Corporation Services (SPPCS).
According to statements by all the Ministries, they express their appreciation and a desire to keep striving for the improvement and safety of Samoa.