Captions : Members who attended the workshop on Tuesday this week.
Photo By : Samoa Police , Prisons & Corrections Services
Samoa Police in collaboration with the Australian Police have set guidelines to execute ways of tackling domestic situations within households in Samoan families, as it continues to grow over time. ''Let us know as soon as possible" states the workshop.
"Family Violence Policy" was the theme of a workshop conducted on Tuesday this week by the Domestic Violence Unit within the Samoa Police , Prisons & Corrections Services.
Members of the Samoa Police were empowered and encouraged when Honorable Judge Talasa Atoa Saaga highlighted the significance of Police presence especially in domestic situations within Samoan families.
The Domestic Violence Unit will navigate and implement skills and advisory form the workshop to equip them in handling domestic subjects, which according to statistics by the United Nation , Lifetime Physical or Sexual Intimate Partner Violence is at 37.5 % , Physical or Sexual Intimate Partner Violence in the last 12 months at 26.8 % ,Lifetime Non-Partner Sexual Violence at 9.7 % and Child Marriage climbs at 7.4 %.
The workshop which was guided and heavily reminded with the Family Safety Act 2013 was the main message Judge Tasala tried to convey to Police members.
" The establishment of the Domestic Violence Unit will enable police officers to follow the law as it stands and give them the right to respond to victims" read a press release by the SPPCS.
The Samoa Police have highlighted and reminded the public that "IF YOU AREA VICTIM OF DOMESTIC ABUSE , SPEAK UP! REACH OUT! DVU IS HERE FOR YOU ! DO NOT WAIT UNTIL IT'S TOO LATE!