Suliveta To Face Charges Over Previous Convictions

Suliveta Taken into Police custody to await his next court case.

Photo: Supplied

The trolley kid known as Suliveta that went viral on Social Media
during the parade on Saturday last week is currently under Police
custody , he appeared at court on Wednesday this week regarding
previous convictions.

The 17year old that pushed the trolley during the parade was later
taken by the police on Saturday night last week. In a video posted
online , Suliveta was seen captured and taken into a Police vehicle by
the looks of three to four officers.

In a police conference held on Wednesday afternoon , Leiataua Samuelu
Afamasaga who is the Acting Commissioner of Police told the media that
Suliveta has had several crimes committed before but not relating to
the parade on Saturday last week.

"The trolley kid is under investigations due to previous convictions
and court hearings that he was absent from " says Leiataua

Leiataua told the media that Suliveta has been absent from his court
hearings and did not comply with the police and orders from the court.
He explained that the 17 year old has been M.I.A and police have only
managed to catch the teenager when he was sighted at the parade.

"A warrant of arrest was issued to arrest the young boy and take him
into custody " says the Acting Commissioner.

Suliveta appeared at court on Wednesday afternoon for his case. A
video shared by many on facebook showed Suliveta together with his
family and mother Salome outside the court after the proceedings. He
was seen saying his farewells and will await his next trail.

Many people and fans of Suliveta have now discussed online ways to
assist and help Suliveta and his family during this time. Setting up
donation pages for the 17 year old.


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