US Embassy donates to Nelson Memorial Library

The US Embassy in Samoa has donated equipment and education materials to the Nelson Memorial Library’s American Corner.

The handover ceremony was held on Wednesday morning at the Nelson Memorial Library’s American corner and was attended by the Chargé d’Affaires Jonathan Lee Yoo, the Ministry of Education Sports and Culture’s (M.E.S.C.) Acting Chief Executive Officer Tuaopepe Perenise, Education Adviser Veronika Matautia-Mortenson, and members of the public.

A Memorandum of Understanding (M.O.U.) was signed by the US Embassy in Apia and the Ministry during the event.

Mr. Lee Yoo said in his address on Wednesday that the funds were brought in from America but all the equipment was locally sourced to support local businesses.

“It’s gonna give the corner a new look, continue giving free internet access and funding for twlve months of educational programme,” Mr. Lee Yoo said.

The donations included 20 chairs, portable projector and screen, canon digital camera, 8 bookshelves, 2 book trolleys, WST$2,367 worth of books and learning materials, renewed 12 month internet contract with an additional faster bigger bandwidth for better connectivity, 5 new computers, whiteboards, and an additional WST$16,000 programme grant.

“The American Embassy is proud to support the vision of the corner’s leadership in creating an upgraded space to empower the emerging voices of Samoans,” he said.

The Acting Chief Executive Officer of M.E.S.C. Tuaopepe Perenise said that the event marks the continuation of a partnership bewteen the US Embassy office and the Ministry

“A partnership that contributed largely to the education sector through financial assistance received on an annual basis,” she said.

Tauopepe said that the American corner has been a very popular programme and has attracted many students to the Nelson Memorial Library.

“Through your assistance we have been able to accomplish one of our goals which is to increase the number of students in the community […] to come use the library, especially the American corner,” she said.

“And this had led to improved literacy which is the overarching goal of the education system in Samoa.

“The signing of a Memorandum of Understanding between your office and the Ministry this morning is a positive sign of our continued partnership for the coming years.”


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