Va’a Brown Charged With Assault

Va’a Brown

Photo: Va’a Brown Facebook

The active online streamer Va'a Brown , who is known by many people
for his controversial posts on Social Media will be in court for allegedly assaulting a student during a school brawl that broke out at the Savalalo bus stop last week.

The Acting Commissioner Leiataua Samuelu Afamasaga told the media in a
press conference on Wednesday this week that Mr.Va'a Brown will be in
court on December 6th for the actions that he has committed.

"He will under-go court proceedings for the actions done to the
student which was shown in a video uploaded on the internet,"the
Acting Commissioner said.

According to a video footage that was uploaded on the internet during
the school brawl at the Savalalo bus terminal showed a student from
St Joseph's College assaulted by Mr.Va'a Brown.

The video showed Vaa Brown hitting the boy’s head and back several times
with a peace of timber.

After the attack by Va'a Brown , another man who was seen close to them
attempted to hit the boy by striking him in the face leaving the
student unconscious. The video is being examined by the Police for
further investigation.

"The police will be examining the video to identify the faces of those
who are involved in the incident and those who were participating."
says Leiataua.

Mr.Va'a Brown has been very active on his facebook account and has
created quite an audience who took interest in his videos and has been insulted by many people on Social Media for his contents , from politics to arguable topics making him
well known. He will appear in court on the 6th of December.




Ua Faatagaina Junior Paulo E Taalo le R.L.W.C I Le Va O Samoa Ma Enelagi