Weavers With Disability Recognised in W.I.B.D.I Programme
Field workers out and about during their inspection work.
Photo : Australian High Commision in Samoa
The W.I.B.D.I (Women in Business Development Inc) are partnering with women in various communities including weavers with disabilities, to revive and preserve the significance of traditional "fine mats weaving" and how it will benefit their wellbeing.
The initiative which is supported kindly by the Government of Australia and other development partners have acknowledged the vitality of its social and economic enhancement, the project which will benefit interested individuals both current and new.
Following the procedure of the initiative , weavers will obtain a wage over the course of one year. The program has also sponsored some of the weavers' fine mats for more than 10 years. Fine mat-weavers won't have to wait for the completion of their "fine mats" to receive their wages.
Successful testimony shared by Elu Taei, a woman with a disability stated that fine mat weaving has been the core of her confidence and has financially assisted her and her family.
"I have completed and sold four mats , which helped me build our fale (house) . I'm now onto my fifth mat" she told members of the Australian High Commision in Samoa.
Melissa Leota who has a hearing disability has shared the difficulties of communicating with others. She has worked together with Marie Enosa who is a sign language interpreter, and has worked together to bridge the gap between people with disabilities and the W.I.B.D.I (Women In Business Development Inc).
"Disability should not be a barrier to opportunities. Everyone deserves the chance to pursue their passions and contribute their talents to the world" Melissa told Marie.
The W.I.B.D.I sends field teams across Samoa every two weeks. These field members will inspect and progress local weavers , recording length increase and traditional measures of the woven fine mat.
Also celebrating the International Women's Day this week, the W.I.B.D.I have also acknowledged women development and their achievements by empowering them through this initiative programme.
"As we mark International Women's Day , we recognize the important work that organisations such as W.I.B.D.I, ensuring all have an opportunity to thrive. Australia is pleased to support this important work through the Australian Volunteers Programme and its Tautua Partnership with the Government of Samoa" the announcement concluded.