Win Or Lose, Toa Samoa Is Still The Best

Toa Samoa Supporter.

Photo: Eyespy Radio.

Even though the Toa Samoa lost its final clash against the Australian Kangaroos on Sunday, its fans are still proud of the effort that the boys in blue displayed during their fantastic run at the Rugby League World Cup in the U.K this year. Toa Samoa supporters who gathered at Apia Park Stadium to watch the final, stated when interviewed by Eye-Spy Radio that despite the loss, they are super pleased and over the moon with the boys performance and what they've accomplished at the prestigious tournament this year.

Ete Kalolo from the village of Matautu, acknowledged the Toa Samoa players' courage and bravery as witnessed during their campaign at the World Cup. "I know many thought we weren't going to make it far when we lost that first match-up with England 60-06, but the boys showed the true spirit of "lotonu'u" and got their revenge against the English in the semifinals and beat them 27-26. Thank you for putting everything you had on the line for our country, our people, and our culture," said Mr. Kalolo.

Another Toa Samoa fan, Fenumiai Su'a, also conveyed that it doesn't matter that the team was defeated in the final, what matters is the fact that a small nation from the South Pacific were able to scare and compete with top tier nations such as New Zealand, Australia and England. "What the boys have achieved is truly a milestone, a remarkable feat and a great achievement that will live on in the memories of our people. "Every Samoan here on island and around the world salutes the Toa Samoa players and the display of heart and courage they showcased at the World Cup. Fa'afetai lava Toa Samoa! " she stated.

The President of Rugby League Samoa, Tagaloa Fa'afouina Su'a, thanked the people of Samoa for their prayers and support for the boys in blue while the team was hard in battle at the tournament these past few weeks. He said that even though Toa Samoa lost its first pool match with England, the defeat however sparked a fire within the Toa Samoa players and enabled them to get vengeance against the English when they met again in the semis.

"The boys were fantastic at the world cup this year, they showed the world that we might be a small nation, but we are a people with enormous hearts. I want to thank our people for all the messages of support on social media which motivated the players to perform," he said.

The people of Samoa are praying that the Government holds a parade for their heroes and bring them home to Samoa as an acknowledgment of their historic achievement , and also thank them for writing Samoa's name inside the history books as the first tier two nation to reach the final of the Rugby League World Cup.




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