Dr. Gatoloaifaana: “Do Something Beautiful For God”

Dr. Gatoloaifaana Tilianamua Afamasaga

Photo: NUS

Dr. Gatoloaifaana Tilianamua Afamasaga expressed gratitude when she accepted an honorary Doctorate of Letters (D-Litt.) from the National University of Samoa (N.U.S.) on Thursday.

In an eloquent and moving bilingual keynote address delivered at the N.U.S. graduation, the trail-blazing educator said she was “humbled” to receive such an honour.

“You have placed me, my family upon a pedestal… thank you to the National University of Samoa for the love, thank you for this great honour,” Dr. Gatoloaifaana said.

“I am humbled to receive this honour. May God continue to be glorified.”

She extended salutations and thanks to dignitaries, the Head of State His Highness Tuimalealiifano Vaaletoa Sualauvi II, the Vice Chancellor and N.U.S. President Professor Aiono Dr. Alec Ekeroma, Pro-Chancellor Letuimanu’asina Dr. Emma Kruse Vaai, N.U.S. faculty and the Government of Samoa.

Dr. Gatoloaifaana thanked Apia Samoa Stake President Denny Faalogo for leading the graduation ceremony in an opening prayer.

Focusing little on herself, she chose to turn the attention onto the class of graduates.

Dr. Gatoloaifaana called the conferring of her honorary doctorate a “distraction” and assured graduates that: “Today is your day. Today is for you.”

She wished to share with graduates only a “simple message,” to “find your talents and the gifts which God has given you” and “do something beautiful for God.”

Education, Dr. Gatoloaifaana noted, “hones and sharpens” the God-given gifts.

As far as work, she said find a job they love waking up to where there is mutual empowerment.

“If I were to leave a message with you today it is a very simple message: find your talents and the gifts that God has given you…education is to hone and sharpen these gifts. And then find the work and job that you love and that you enjoy. A job that wakes you up in the morning, looking forward to it, being with colleagues and people that empower you and that you empower in turn,” Dr. Gatoloaifaana said.

“A job that makes you praise and thank God because you feel self-fulfilled and you are serving and giving to others and you enjoy doing it. A job that makes you feel that you are doing in the words of Mother Teresa… ‘something beautiful for God’.”

When God sees we are utilising our talents He gifted to us, He gives us more than we could have ever imagined, she said.

Being a teacher has given her limitless opportunities to serve the people of Samoa.

“I have always been a teacher and it’s a vocation and work that has given self-satisfaction all my life as well as so many opportunities to serve out people in so many ways that I never contemplated could be. It is amazing what God will do with you when he sees that you are suing the gifts that He gives you,” Dr. Gatoloaifaana said.

“He will give you much more than ever imagined. Your parents, grandparents and families are the stalwarts behind your success today. Thank them and rejoice in them. You can thank you lecturers and instructors but they already have your reward: seeing you graduating today. That is their goal and their happiness.”

She congratulated graduated for overcoming the challenges and distractions and voiced blessings on their lives and their families.

“You have spent a number of years maybe one or two or three or more depending on the programme that you have pursued. You have had many distractions to the point that some of you may have been discouraged and questioned whether you could continue your studies or not. But no doubt all of you are thankful and so are your parents, spouses, children and families that today has become a reality and you are graduating,” Dr. Gatoloaifaana said.

She wished for God’s blessings upon the graduates, their parents, families, N.U.S. and the children who attend N.U.S.

“May God continue to bless you your parents and families. May God continue to bless the National University of Samoa and our children…may God bless the graduating class,” Dr. Gatoloaifaana said.

Again she praised God and wished all a blessed Christmas and happy New Year.

Dr. Gatoloaifaana received her honorary doctoral regalia, robe, cap and degree during the graduation ceremony.




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