Village Leaders And College Boys Advocate For Violence Against Women And Girls

Photo: SVSG

The Samoa Victim Support Group (SVSG), with funding assistance from the government, has successfully implemented the second of its six activities under the project entitled

“Eliminating Violence Against Women and Girls”. This second activity, which ran from April to December 2022, targeted male leaders from seven selected villages namely Matautu Falealili,

Saleapaga, Lalomauga, Fusi Safata, Faleatiu, Vaipu’a, and Avao.

SVSG engaged with the village councils in these seven villages to draw up Community Prevention Guides specific to their communities.

The village leaders have now completed drawing up their Community Prevention Guides to maintain a peaceful community.

All seven villages have also drawn up Declarations to validate their commitment to the Guides. Signboards with key messages agreed upon by the seven villages have been printed and placed along the roads within these villages.

In addition, by- laws of the seven villages have been reviewed to highlight their

commitment to the Guides.

In addition to engaging male leaders, SVSG also recognized the importance of educating and engaging young boys in the fight against violence against women and girls.

To this end, young boys from six colleges specifically Seventh Day Adventist, Don Bosco School Alafua, Chanel College, Maluafou College, Wesley College and Tuasivi College filmed documentaries displaying their key messages through performaning arts to end violence against women and girls.

Photo: SVSG

These documentaries are now available on social media for ongoing educational awareness.

The key messages and the social issues being addressed by the colleges are:

1. Seventh Day Adventist College

Do Unto Others as you Want Others to Do Unto You

Addressing: Interpersonal Violence & Discrimination

2. Don Bosco School Alafua

Reviving of the Samoan Culture of Respect to EVAWG

Addressing: Male respecting female

3. Chanel College

Let Go and Let God Heal

Addressing: Trauma & Mental Health

4. Maluafou College

It is Ok to Say NO to Violence Speak up instead of being silenced by fear.

5. Wesley College

We Rise by Lifting Others

Encouraging Peer Support

6. Tuasivi College

Bullying has no place in Tuasivi College

Addressing: Bullying

The initiative was designed to provide education and resources to help young boys understand the

importance of treating all individuals with respect and dignity, and to learn about the impact of violence

against women and girls on their communities.

SVSG is committed to working with the community to eliminate violence against women and girls and

creating safer and more equal communities for all.


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