Weightlifting team awarded with medals from Oceania Championship

Samoa's weightlifting team were awarded medals for their achievements in the 2021 Oceania Senior Weightlifting Championships which were held in September.

The tournament was hedl online where Samoa had won six gold medals, two silver medals, and one bronze medal.

The medal presentation ceremony was held at the Samoa Association of Sports and National Olympics Committee (S.A.S.N.O.C.). on Friday evening.

The medal presentation ceremony was held on Friday at the SASNOC Headquarters

Photo: Piui Simi Sesega

In an interview with Eyespy Radio on Friday, Samoa Weightlifting Federation President Tuaopepe Jerry Wallwork acknowledged S.A.S.N.O.C's support for hosting an official presentation.

"We praise God for this opportunity," Tuaopepe told Eyespy Radio on Friday.

"Last year was the first official Oceania Championships so a very good performance from the team. I am very proud of the team.

"It was a stepping stone towards this year and now we have bigger competitions for this year and the aim now is the Commonwealth games which is ten weeks away so we are looking forward to it and we have been training hard."

Tuaopepe said that he is confident that the tea,m has done the hard work and he is confident they can win medals at the Commonwealth Games in Birmingham this week.

"I am also confident they can win gold medals. Its just a matter of them producing the results on the day," he said.

"They have done the preparations as I have always said in the past, when we go to a competition, ninety per cent is preparation, ten per cent is competition.

So we have done the ninety per cent, now the ten per cent is left for competition so we are looking forward to it."

Tuaopepe gives thanks to his coaching staff that have assistaed him throughout the year and also to S.A.S.N.O.C., the Government of Samoa, and the sponsors of the weightlifting team.

Petelo Lautusi Tuiloma who had won a gold medal told Eyespy Radio that he feels happy and praised the Lord.

"I am thankful for this day that I have recieved a gold medal," Mr. Tuiloma said.

He had given thanks to his family for their prayers, and said that he had thought he would not get a medal but was surprised when he had won the goild medal.

"I would like to thank my family supporting me and my talent. I would like to thank my village Falealili, Lepa, and Tufuipoa who are supporting me in the competitions. I thank my parents for their prayers," he said.

Iuniarra Sipaia who had won a silver medal told Eyespy Radio that she is happy to get a medal, and had thanked the Lord for the strength.

She competed with an injury and had missed a lot of training but was motivated to compete to get a medal.

Ms. Sipaia gives her thanks to Tuaopepe and the coaches, to her family, and to her villages Vaoala and Saoluafata.

John Tafi won a gold medal in September last year and said that he is happy about the achjievement and happy to represent Samoa.

Mr. Tafi told Eyespy Radio that it was a difficult competition because he was in a new category with those who were in that category longer than him.

He gives thanks to the Lord, and also to Samoa, his family, parents, sponsors, and Tuaopepe for their support.



67kg Gold Medal Nevo Ioane

73kg Gold Medal John Tafi

96kg Gold Medal Don Opeloge

102kg Gold Medal Jack Opeloge

109kg Gold Medal Petelo Lautusi


76kg Bronze Medal AvatuOpeloge

87kg Silver Medal Imoasina Pelenato

87+kg Gold Medal Feagaiga Stowers

87+kg Silver Medal Iuniarra Sipaia


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