World's shortest living person arrives in Samoa
Photo By: Anetone Sagaga
The World's shortest living mobile man, 36-year-old Mr. Edward Nino Hernandez from Bogotá Colombia arrived at the Faleolo International Airport on Sunday night at 11:30 p.m. Mr. Hernandez was invited over by Tupa'i Bruno Loyale to perform in the Magic Circus of Samoa's last two shows that are scheduled for Saturday and Sunday this week and to also join a planned world-tour by the circus.
In a press conference with the media on Monday afternoon at Vodafone Samoa's headquarters at Maluafou, Tupa'i conveyed that it took five days for Mr. Hernandez to reach Samoa as Colombia is quite far away.
"It took him five days travelling to get here, he flew from Bogota to Madrid, then from Madrid to Doha Qatar, then from Qatar to Malaysia, then Singapore, then Nadi Fiji before he arrived in Samoa yesterday. Altogether it took quite some time for him to get here with all the stopovers and transits but we're very happy he's with us now," stated Tupa'i.
Mr. Hernandez was gifted with a Nokia mobile phone courtesy of Vodafone Samoa and its Staff which he later used to call his mother back home in Colombia. During the conversation between Mr. Hernandez and his mother, Tupa'i who acted as the translator for the media stated that Mr. Hernanded was telling his mother that he's very excited to be here in Samoa.
The mother of the World's shortest living person wanted Mr. Hernandez to take lots of photos and pictures about his trip to send back to her.
The press conference included a dance exhibition by Mr. Hernandez, he brought smiles to the faces of many who were present at the meeting with his smooth dance moves.
When asked about how he's finding Samoa so far, Mr. Hernandez stated that this is the first time he's travelled to an overseas country, but added that it's very exciting for him to be in an exotic place like Samoa, and he's ready to put on a show for the people.
Mr. Hernandez is the eldest of his mother's five sons.