Booster numbers doubled over the week


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As at 2:00pm, April 7th 2022, the latest Vaccination update from the Ministry of Health has confirmed 97.6 percent of Samoa’s eligible population have received their first dose of COVID Vaccines. However, over a quarter of these are still yet to receive their second dose, with only 71.9 percent reported to have completed both doses. The Ministry also confirmed 48,475 people over the age of 18 have received their booster shots so far.

The new update comes 7 days after the previous report from M.O.H on April 1st, 2022, in which Samoa had administered a total 339,214 doses of the COVID vaccines, at the time. In the past week a further 2.6% of the eligible population have since received their second dose.

The recent mass vaccination program is also proving successful with an additional 25,312 people aged 18 years and over also receiving their booster shoots so far.

The mass vaccination program is still ongoing with the current target groups from Thursday 7th April – Saturday 9th April being those 18 years and above who have still not been vaccinated, or need their 2nd dose or booster shot, and those aged 12-17 requiring their 1st or 2nd dose of the Pfizer Vaccine.

In its latest Public notice the Ministry of health has advised that there will be no Pfizer Vaccinations roll-out for the first dose for Children within the ages of 5-11 years until further notice.

The notice also states “Children whose Pfizer Vaccination for the 2nd dose is now due or will be due in the coming week(s), your vaccination roll-out will be advised accordingly.”

The public is also reminded that they can only receive their booster shot 3 months after completing the first two doses of Covid-19 vaccination.

To date the following vaccination sites have been confirmed for today’s Roll out:

·         Gym 1 Tuanaimato

·         Vaitele Uta Primary

·         Faleata College

·         All District Hospitals

·         EPI Building

·         MOH credentialing building

·         Matagialalua clinic

Whereas the EPI Building, M.O.H Credentialing building and Matagialalua clinic will be used as Vaccination sites this Saturday, 9th April 2022.





further clarifications on lockdown conditions made